Legal notes

Castellanum Srl

Legal representatives: Peter Cestari, Martin Cestari and Markus Sader
Legal Headquarters: Via Castelliere 1 in 39042 Bressanone (BZ)
VAT number: IT03132900212

Website development

Programming: Matthias Radmüller (
Design: zukunvt (


The data provided will be used only for the purpose of processing the request and not forwarded to third parties (Pursuant to Article 13 of Law No. 196 of 30.06.2003, as amended, concerning the processing of personal data). We distance ourselves from any unwanted advertising (spam) and undertake to avoid sending unwanted e-mails. All images and text on this site are the property of Castellanum Srl and are protected by copyright law. Therefore, please do not use our images and/or texts.


Castellanum Srl, the principal of this website, expressly declares that, at the time the links were set up, the linked websites did not have illegal content.


Castellanum Srl is committed to observing copyright for all publications. In the event of a copyright violation, Castellanum Garda Immobili Srl will, upon notice, remove such object from its publication, as well as mark it with the copyright notice.

Legal validity

Exclusion from legal liability is to be considered part of the internet offer to which reference is made on this website. If parts of the text or individual formulations no longer comply or do not comply completely, the remaining parts of the document shall remain unchanged in their content and unaffected in their validity.

Data protection

You can find the privacy policy here


What is a  cookie?

A cookie is a text file that is saved when accessing a website on your PC, tablet, or smartphone. Cookies make it possible to reload the content of the website with the preferred settings of the last visit (language, font size, and more). The cookies on our website are not used to collect personal information from the visitor and do not represent any security risk.

Types of Cookie:

  • Technical cookies [user consent is not required]: Among the so-called technical cookies, we highlight the essential cookies, which enable functions without which it would not be possible to fully use this website. These cookies are used exclusively for this website and are therefore first-party cookies. They are only saved on the user’s computer during the current session. Also within the scope of technical cookies are “analytics” cookies, which are used to statistically analyse website visits or access and serve exclusively statistical purposes, collecting information in an aggregated form without the possibility of identifying individual users.
  • Profiling cookies [user consent is required]: Profiling cookies are used to collect information about the user in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user during web browsing.
  • Third-party cookies: As these are cookies from sites other than this one, and therefore used by third parties, the relevant information for giving or withholding consent are available by clicking on the following links: Youtube, Google Analytics, Google Maps, Google PlusFacebookCleverreach

Cookie Control

Almost all browsers offer the possibility to disable cookies. After disabling cookies, correct functioning of the website cannot be guaranteed.

How to manage and disable cookies in the most common browsers